Close up of model in sunglasses behind Valkyrie Eyewear brand logo.
Product advertising feature
Shorthand Templates

Product advertising feature template

An eye-catching luxury showcase that presents your product and brand to full advantage

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You're in good company

Shorthand delivers amazing results for Honda. In our first year, our dwell time was up 85%, and the click-through rate was up 47%.
Nick Bennett | Honda UK
  • Business Insider logo
  • Dow Jones logo
  • BBC logo
  • Honda logo
  • Save the Children logo
  • Penguin logo
  • Unicef logo
  • Adweek logo

Get creative with Shorthand

No code required

Say goodbye to developer bottlenecks and escalating costs with our human-friendly story editor.

Responsive layouts

You focus on the message. Shorthand lets you add images, videos, and other media that render perfectly across all devices.

On brand

Custom themes ensure your fonts, colours, and logos are always on brand.

More about Shorthand

Beautifully simple