Storytelling for freelancers
to the Fortune 500
Create for free, pay when you're ready to publish
Billed yearly
Save 20%
1 person
($40 / month per additional person)
Unlimited published stories
Billed yearly
Save 20%
3 people
($100 / month per additional person)
6 published stories
($24 / month per additional story)
Get in touch for annual billing and volume pricing.
Billed yearly
Save 20%
6 people
($80 / month per additional person)
12 published stories
($20 / month per additional story)
Get in touch for annual billing and volume pricing.
Billed yearly
Contact Us
A plan and terms tailored to suit your requirements.
Battle-tested security and compliance. We work with highly regulated enterprises and with governments everywhere.
Not-for-profit and
charity discounts
Shorthand helps charities and other non-profits to tell important stories. Inspire your audience to action with powerful editorial content, campaigns, annual reports, and more. Get in touch to apply for our NFP discount.
Teach visual
We believe in equipping tomorrow's storytellers with the best tools today. The Shorthand for Classrooms program offers free access to Shorthand, including publishing, for use in approved storytelling classes, empowering students to master digital storytelling techniques and craft compelling narratives.