Storytelling at any scale

Use the slider to estimate your costs.

Total published stories: 1
The number of stories in your workspace with the "published" status.
$0/ month
Billed monthly
What's included:

  • Publish your first story for free, then pay for additional published stories as needed.Starts at 1 published story
  • Experiment as much as you like with draft content. You'll only be billed for published stories.Unlimited draft stories
  • One Shorthand-hosted publishing destination included. Bring your own subdomain or chose a subdomain.Limited to 1 publishing destination
  • Add your colleagues for free.Unlimited users
  • Work with your collaborators in one team, and upgrade when you need more teams to organise your collaborators and content.Limited to 1 team

Features you'll love:
  • Publishing is simple with Shorthand Hosting. Use a custom subdomain (e.g., or a subdomain.
    Shorthand hosting
  • Easily embed your content in any web page by copying and pasting the embed code snippet.
    Story embedding
  • Track story views and completions with simple, built-in analytics.
    Shorthand Analytics
  • Learn how to get the most from Shorthand by attending our regular webinars and training sessions.
    Webinars and training
$165/ month
Billed monthly
What's included:

  • Five published stories included in the base price. Additional published stories billed monthly at $13/story/month up to 20 stories, then $10/story/month for the 21st and subsequent stories.Starts at 5 published stories
  • Experiment as much as you like with draft content. You'll only be billed for published stories.Unlimited draft stories
  • One Shorthand-hosted publishing destination included. Bring your own subdomain or chose a subdomain.Limited to 1 publishing destination
  • Three users included in the base price. Additional users billed at $39/user/month.Starts at 3 users
  • Work with your collaborators in 3 teams, and upgrade when you need more teams to organise your collaborators and content.Starts at 3 teams

Starter features, plus:
  • Download your stories in ZIP format for archival purposes.
    Downloadable story archives
  • Control access to previews of unpublished content.
    Password-protected previews
  • Add Google Analytics 4 tracking to stories and projects.
    Google Analytics
  • Export Shorthand Analytics data for individual stories in CSV format for reporting and analysis purposes.
    Story analytics exports
  • Keep your content on-brand and visually cohesive by creating reusable basic themes. Add your choice of fonts, colours and logos.
    Basic theme builder
  • Use our in-app ticketing system or email to submit questions to our support team.
    Email support
$980/ month
Billed annually
What's included:

  • Ten published stories included in the base price. Additional published stories billed at $65/story/month up to 20 stories, then $7/story/month for the 21st and subsequent stories.Starts at 10 published stories
  • Experiment as much as you like with draft content. You'll only be billed for published stories.Unlimited draft stories
  • Five Shorthand-hosted publishing destinations included, plus options for self-hosting and secure, password-protected publishing.Starts at 5 publishing destinations
  • Five users included in the base price. Additional users billed at $125/user/month.Starts at 5 users
  • Work with your collaborators in 5 teams, and upgrade when you need more teams to organise your collaborators and content.Starts at 5 teams

Team features plus:
  • Discounted rates for your 21st and subsequent published stories, and for annual precommitments.
    Volume publishing discounts
  • For an additional fee, host your own content via Drupal and WordPress plugins, Amazon S3, SFTP, API publishing, and more.
    Self-hosted publishing options
  • Control who views your content with restricted-access publishing. Grant access to readers via email, and they'll be able to view the content using a One-Time Password.
    Secure publishing destinations
  • Add tag managers, 3rd party analytics and tracking codes, marketing pixels, cookie consent managers, and any other code you require to integrate with existing software and tools.
    Advanced integrations & 3rd party analytics
  • Understand the big picture of how your content is performing with workspace-level CSV data exports. Compile reports and perform analysis in 3rd party tools with ease.
    Workspace analytics exports
  • Add custom components and layouts that we don't support natively with HTML sections and inline HTML. Add custom CSS and JavaScript for complete control over styling and integrations.
    Custom HTML & developer tools
  • A handcrafted theme that styles all the standard Shorthand elements according to your brand guidelines.
    Bespoke custom branded theme
  • Schedule a 30-minute kick off with one of our expert Editorial Success Managers to help you get started with Shorthand.
    Team onboarding
  • An Editorial Success Manager will be assigned to review and provide advice on your first story.
    Story reviews
$3150/ month
Billed annually
What's included:

  • We'll tailor a package to meet your publishing needs.Custom published stories
  • Experiment as much as you like with draft content. You'll only be billed for published stories.Unlimited draft stories
  • We'll tailor a package to meet your publishing needs. Choose from Shorthand-hosted or self-hosted publishing methods — or a combination of the two.Custom publishing destinations
  • We'll tailor a package to meet your needs.Custom users
  • We'll tailor a package to meet your needs.Custom teams

Business features plus:
  • A handcrafted theme that styles all the standard Shorthand elements according to your brand guidelines.
    Bespoke custom branded theme
  • Remove all Shorthand branding from your content, including the "Built with Shorthand" footer.
    White labelling
  • Enable your team members to sign in with your existing authentication system.
    SAML Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Select a support offering with a priority response and tailored SLA.
    Custom technical support tiers
  • Select a customer success tier with tailored onboarding, training, workshops, and quarterly progress reviews for your team.
    Custom strategic success tiers

Trusted by the world’s leading brands

Trusted by

  • adweek logo
  • bbg logo
  • christies logo
  • dowjones logo
  • elperiodico logo
  • europoeancouncil logo
  • greenpeace logo
  • honda logo
  • marinestewardshipcouncil logo
  • nikkei logo
  • penguin logo
  • savethechildren logo
  • skynews logo
  • stuff logo
  • sydneyoperahouse logo
  • tripadvisor logo
  • unicef logo
  • universityofcambridge logo
  • uq logo
  • worldbankgroup logo
  • nature logo
  • relx logo


  • Charities & NGOs

    Inspire readers to take action
    Your go-to publishing solution for
    • Editorial
    • Campaigns
    • Annual reports
    • So much more!
  • Journalism & comms classes

    Teach tomorrow's storytellers
    Use Shorthand to teach
    • Visual storytelling techniques
    • Enterprise journalism workflows
    • Digital publishing strategy
    • Collaborative storytelling
    Apply for discount

Frequently Asked Questions