Engaging brand journalism

Fast. Simple. Gorgeous.
Create stunning multimedia stories for your brand in hours, not weeks. With no code.

As loved by

  • Business Insider logo
  • Adweek logo
  • Honda logo
  • Christie's logo
  • BBC logo
  • Barbican logo
  • Save the Children logo
  • Thomson Reuters Foundation logo

Shorthand is perfect for...

Building content

Easily create fully-responsive stories from scratch with our simple WYSIWYG editor, complete with built-in transitions and effects designed to help you craft interactive digital experiences that put your brand in the best light.

Connecting with customers

Inspire and connect with your customers using Shorthand’s powerful publishing options. Announce a new product or emphasize your company's goals with interactive storytelling. Simple and fast publishing to your own domain or ours.

Brand storytelling

Staying top of mind with your audience takes regular digital communication at speed. That's impossible if you need to regularly drag developers away from other work. Shorthand empowers your marketing and comms teams to create compelling stories quickly and publish on their terms — no code required.

Go from idea to execution in hours, not weeks.

Create media-rich stories in our simple publishing tool without the overheads & timelines of a development team or agency.

How brands create impact and generate action with Shorthand


Honda UK uses Shorthand to efficiently produce, manage, and publish eye-catching stories to their online content hub: Honda Engine Room. Their audience is more engaged than ever before, spending longer poring over Honda-centric content about autonomous robots, smart motorways, e-sports teams, and more.


Christie's auctions include fine art, jewellery, photographs, and more, with sale prices ranging from $200 to over $100 million. Their brand has been synonymous with extraordinary art and a global reach for centuries.

Shorthand stories reinforce the Christie's brand with stunning presentation of some of their most celebrated auctions.

Ready to start telling beautiful stories?

Try Shorthand for free today.

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Expect more from your content

Boost engagement

Readers spend 4-10 times longer engaging with Shorthand stories than comparable web formats.

Delight across devices

Shorthand stories deliver an immersive reading experience on all devices with fully responsive design.

Improve workflow

Optimize resources and cut costs by allowing your team to quickly iterate on new ideas in the Shorthand editor.

Your brand deserves exceptional stories

Try Shorthand for free