Episode #3:

How new technology is transforming storytelling with Eva Domínguez

In this episode of The Craft, Shorthand’s Dawn Murden chats with Eva Domínguez, Director at Immersive Creatures. 

Eva shares how to use technologies like augmented reality and 3D tools to create immersive stories. As Eva says, “You can go big depending on the resources you have, but you can start small [...] so you learn the language, what works, and what doesn't work.”

Listen as Eva and Dawn discuss the importance of trying new technologies to differentiate your brand, give value to your community, and tell stories in new ways.

How to listen:

This episodes guest

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A black and white headshot of a woman with a straight bob haircut.

Guest name: Eva Domínguez

What she does: Eva is the Director at Immersive Creatures

Company: Immersive Creatures

Noteworthy: Eva is a digital and immersive content expert, augmented reality producer, and scriptwriter who has worked in the digital field for more than 20 years. She also holds a PhD in Immersive Journalism.

Where to find Eva: LinkedIn | Personal website

Links from this episode

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Episode highlights

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Journalism is a song of its time

“I always say that journalism is a song of its time — it’s using what people are using right now. We see that we have to adapt to TikTok or whatever platform or new way of storytelling people are using or consuming. So, journalism is also using all of these new platforms, resources, and languages. You have to use the language of your time.”

Technology is a language we all have to learn

“Technology is a language that you have to learn. It’s the basis of the society we live in. Everything is provided by technology. So, it doesn't mean that we all have to be coders. I learned to code 50 years ago, but I learned to code to be able to work with people, with artists, and with all kinds of profiles that you need to create amazing content on the web and online.”

Connect with your community

“I think every media outlet has to know their audiences — who they are, what they are interested in — and have conversations with them. Building communities is very important. Build communities so that people feel attached to them, to the brand, to the media. And then create the kind of content that your community needs. And in this sense, everybody in the media can have a different offer, and try not to compete only with breaking news because that is hard. So creating special content and very unique content — this is what I think each media house has to try to do to give value to their subscribers.”