We’re excited to announce Shorthand’s brand new integration with Unsplash!
Unsplash is a leading free photo library, with over 3 million free, high-resolution images brought to you by the world’s most generous community of photographers.
With over 3.8 billion downloads, Unsplash photos can be found enriching websites, blogs, and social media posts around the planet.
Now, you can access Unsplash’s extraordinary photo library from within the Shorthand app. You’ll see the Unsplash option every time you go to upload media to your story.
Watch this short video to see how easy it is to add Unsplash images to your story 👇.

Unsplash has images to suit all your stories — from nature and architecture, to film, people, fashion, and work. And Unsplash's license means you can copy, modify, and repurpose them for commercial purposes, free of charge.
Here's another look at the sheer variety of images in Unsplash, and how easy it is to add them to your Shortand story:
We can’t wait to see what you make with Unsplash. As always, please share your work with us on social media, or flick us an email at hello@shorthand.com.