5th Annual Shorthand Award Winners

This year we celebrated stunning digital stories — and exceptional digital storytellers — from around the world at our first ever virtual Shorthand Awards.
We received over 150 nominations across five categories, which were narrowed down to a shortlist, with the winners decided by our expert judging panel.
The submissions to the fifth annual Shorthand Awards were the most inspirational yet.
Throughout the year, content teams had to rethink how they interacted with their audience, staff, and colleagues.
Over the course of 2020, we saw the use of the Shorthand editor increase and use cases expand. Shorthand stories were published on an enormous variety of topics — from climate change research in the arctic, to tackling gender inequality in Ghana, to stories on the late legend Diego Maradonna, to a virtual listening room in London. We’ve never seen such an astonishing breadth of stories.
Thank you to all those who nominated a story or voted in the awards. A big thank you also to our judges: Chris Stokel-Walker, Sarah Singer, Dr Skye Doherty, Tom Langan, Jonathan Jessop Batty, Livvy Haydock, Steve Carroll and Mark Stephens.

The winners of the 5th Annual Shorthand Awards are …

Best Editorial Story

National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) for Covid-19: School leaders on the frontline
Sky News UK for Brexit by Numbers
ZDFheute for Vom Schwein zum Schnitzel (From pork to schnitzel)

Sky News UK
Brexit by Numbers

Best Education Story

The University of Queensland for Pandemic politics: Who will emerge in better health?
Imperial College London for COVID-19: six months on the frontline
University of Cambridge for SHANIDAR Z: What did Neanderthals do with their dead?

Imperial College London
COVID-19: six months on the frontline

Best Not-For-Profit Story

United States Census for A look back at the 2020 census
Start Network for Start Network Annual Report 2019
The World Health Organisation, Alliance & Fat Rat Films for Pillars of strength

The World Health Organisation, Alliance & Fat Rat Films
Pillars of strength

Best Brand Story

Adweek for How a cutting-edge creative turns to Pinterest to make inspired decisions
Christie’s for Deep Impact
Savoir Flair & Gucci for I can't believe my eyes

Savoir Flair & Gucci
I can't believe my eyes

Best Business Story

The Football Association for Time for change: The FA strategy 2020-2024
RELX Corporate Communications for RELX environmental challenge
Cleary Gottlieb for Private equity: Spotlight on healthcare

The Football Association & Harpoon for
Time for change: The FA strategy 2020-2024
Special mention:
Cleary Gottlieb for Private equity: Spotlight on healthcare

Community Choice Award

Stuff NZ for Aotearoa in 20
University of Utah Health for They emerge transformed
United States Census for A look back at the 2020 Census
The Public Eye for "We’ve simply been forgotten"
Barbican for Soundhouse
Nature for These researchers spent a winter trapped in Arctic ice to capture key climate data
Publishers Association for People plus machines
Prodavinci for Epidemia a ciegas en Venezuela
Council of the European Union & Harpoon for 5 facts about the EU's goal of climate neutrality
The King's Fund for 'A long way to go': ethnic minority NHS staff share their stories

Council of the European Union & Harpoon
5 facts about the EU's goal of climate neutrality
Watch the full ceremony of our virtual Shorthand Awards:
Congratulations to all the talented writers and content creators whose work was recognised through the nomination and shortlisting process.
We will be calling for 2021 nominations in September.
We can't wait to see what you create!