Inspiring examples of interactive maps

Shorthand is the simplest way to create engaging animated maps and data visualisations for the web — no code or advanced geospatial tools required. Browse the examples below for inspiration.

Loved by the world's most iconic brands

Shorthand customers publishing stories with interactive maps include the BBC, Springer Nature, Nikkei Asia, Sky News, and more.

Loved by the world's most iconic brands

Ready to try the digital publishing platform used by the BBC, Council of the European Union, and Sky News?

Shorthand is the simplest way to craft engaging visual stories for the web. Build captivating interactive maps, data visualisations, animated infographics, and more — no code required.

Ready to try the digital publishing platform used by the BBC, Council of the European Union, and Sky News?

Shorthand is the simplest way to craft engaging visual stories for the web. Build captivating interactive maps, data visualisations, animated infographics, and more — no code required.